The Dalton School


Under the direction of Claudia Dumschat

Membership in the Dalton Chorale

The Chorale welcomes all singers with some ability to sight-read music. Auditions are held at the beginning of each semester, but after several rehearsals, largely to determine the correct section for each singer’s voice. Music need not be prepared for the audition, but singers will be asked to sing selections from music rehearsed. We welcome and encourage musically talented individuals to sing with us. The DC opens its first few rehearsals each September and January to individuals interested in joining. Those who wish to become members may then audition privately with the music director. Sight-reading skills together with essential vocal musicality (rather than formal voice training) and some prior experience with choral singing form the core requirements for membership. We work to build a group of many musical individual voices into a blended, unified sound, and to reach an audience beyond friends and family of the singers, who come to hear choral music as an art form.

Membership fees are $195/semester plus the cost of music (please make checks payable to the Aks Chorale). For those under 30, fees are $100/semester. Our fees cover payment to our musical director, payment of unionized orchestra musicians for our concerts, rental of performance space, and recording of our concerts. Dalton School provides us with valuable rehearsal space and pays for our accompanist. If you would like to sing with us, but are unable to meet the fees, please speak to our treasurer, Dianna Mounsey. We would like your voice and your financial support, but if you cannot provide both, please share your voice with us anyway.

We rehearse Tuesday evenings from 7:00-9:00pm. 

To learn more about joining the Dalton Chorale, email NLTL